Published on Tuesday 17th January 2023
GYLF Ambassadors in Capetown led by Amb. Caitlin won 29 souls as they distribute the Healing to the Nations magazines on the streets.
Join us in spreading the healing power of God everywhere with the Healing to the Nations Magazines.
GYLF Ambassadors in Capetown led by Amb. Caitlin won 29 souls as they distribute the Healing to the Nations magazines on the streets. Join us in spreading the healing power of God everywhere with...
Bhutan, one of the few independent countries throughout their history and a primary Buddist nation is being infiltrated with the Gospel by GYLF ambassadors. Armed with increased grace and...
GYLF Ambassadors in DR Congo reached out to indigent people in a hospital with some gift items. They shared several food items and also ministered the word of God to them. The people were...
Transmitting all he learnt from this year's youth camp, Kerry Konge from Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬 taught extensively on "How to be effective for the Gospel" to other youths in his city. They all...