Published on Thursday 25th March 2021
Building up to the epochal Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris, GYLF leaders in the Pakistan held a prayer outreach to prepare themselves ahead of this life changing meeting.
You also can organize a prayer outreach with youths in your sphere of contact today!
Ambassador Pooja Achan from India embarked on a mission's trip to Indonesia to join Ambassador Revival and his team to organise a Fire Conference for teenagers and youths in the city of...
Are you ready? What are your expectations? How to Participate: 👉Register @ 👉Create a healing center @ 👉Create Avatar...
Members of the GYLF Army who attended the just concluded #BLAZE2020 Retreat in the United Kingdom to be reinforced and re-energized for kingdom war (the souls of men) reported swiftly to their duty...
This is one training you cannot afford to miss on the GYLF Academy. The Highly Esteemed Pastor Biodun Lawal is teaching us on "True Success". Hurry now to the GYLF Academy @...