Published on Tuesday 28th November 2023
It's that time of the year again when GYLF Ambassadors will be carrying out acts of kindness across the globe in honour of our dear man of God.
Stay glued to this space to see inspiring acts of kindness. God bless you!
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Just as the man of God, Pastor Chris, sent her back to Fiji Islands 🇫🇯 after the just concluded #IEYC2022#IEYC2022#IEYC2022 to put the word of God in the mouth of every young person in her...
Taking advantage of this timeless message, Ambassador Shine organised this special outreach to impact young people in her country.It was an online outreach and she played the message in their local...
Over 100 Souls have been gloriously saved in Sri Lanka as Amb. David organized different outreaches in communities and villages preaching the Gospel with gusto to every one. Take up the challenge...